Education and Career Information


Interviews and Preparing for Success

A Quick Guide to Mastering Interviews in the Digital Age

In interviews, be it your first or tenth, mistakes happen. Later, we ponder what went wrong, especially when the job offer doesn’t arrive. This blog is your trusty guidebook through the entire process – before, during, and after.

These interview strategies will not only help you do well but also help you to make an impression on the interviewer/s to land you your dream job.

Before the Interview

Before you step into that interview room, prepare for questions about your work history, skills, and why you’re the perfect match for the job and company.

Know the basics about the company and your potential role, and if you can, the folks interviewing you.

Pre-interview Checklist

Follow this pre-interview checklist prior to the initial interview:

  • Get to know the company and the job. Showing you’ve done your homework leaves a good impression. Understanding the role helps you answer questions confidently during the interview.
  •  Give some basic interview questions a test run. No need for a memorized script but thinking about your strengths and weaknesses will help you answer these typical questions with confidence.
  •  Go prepared with your own questions. If there’s something about the company or the job you couldn’t find in your research, ask about it during the interview. Also, be open to new questions that might pop up.
  • Double-check your resume and cover letter for any errors and print them out. These papers will likely be the focus of your interview, so make sure you remember what’s in them. Bring extra copies to share with your interviewers just in case they don’t have them.

During the Interview

Even if you’re confident about the job, interview nerves can hit unexpectedly. Know these common mistakes to avoid regrets later and increase your chances of a successful interview.

1. Being too comfortable with the Interviewer

While you may quickly get along with the hiring manager, keep things professional during the interview. Trying to build rapport too quickly can backfire, so maintain a professional tone.

Avoid requesting to connect on LinkedIn immediately after the interview; it might come off as presumptuous.

It’s okay to follow the company’s official accounts on social media but respect the personal boundaries of the interviewers.

2. Poor body language

Sitting up straight shows that you’re paying attention, and a slight lean forward indicates interest.

A warm smile makes everyone comfortable. Handshakes should be firm but not loose, that shows less confidence.

It’s okay to use hand gestures while talking, but avoid shaking your leg or tapping fingers, or playing with a pencil. Keep your body composed.

Always maintain eye contact during the interview. It shows respect, engagement, and being present in the moment. Avoid constant staring and glance away occasionally for a polite balance.

3. Over-confidence

Overconfidence can turn off interviewers. In a survey, 59% of the interviewers indicated that arrogance is a dealbreaker. Stay confident but don’t push it; let the interviewer lead.

Here’s a tale from Becky Beach, CEO of Mom Beach: A candidate, oozing confidence, messaged her the day after the interview, saying, “Thanks for interviewing me. Let me know when I can start.” Result? No job offer. Over-confidence does not take you too far.

4. Lack of transparency

Be honest and straightforward during the interview. It proves you’re a worthy candidate with integrity.

“I had a candidate go through multiple interview rounds,” shared Alex Turner, HR Manager. “The guy assured me of exclusive interest. Post-interview, he emailed our VP mentioning an offer elsewhere. Our VP was surprised and worried about the lack of transparency.”

Honesty and transparency are your trusty companions on the road to success and positive connections.

5. Social media short-sightedness

Remember the NASA intern who lost her job for offensive tweets? As a rule, steer clear of posting crude or insensitive comments about your job interviews. It’s a red flag.

Stay professional on social media; employers often check your online presence. A polished image matters, no matter your career stage.

After the Interview

You nailed the first interview! Now, show gratitude with thank-you notes emailed to each interviewer. Stay patient and avoid common post-interview blunders such as:

1. No Follow-ups

Don’t forget to say thanks after the interview! Whether by email, or a text, it’s essential. According to career advisor Melissa McClung, many people forget this step.

Following up shows you’re still interested, says Zohar Pinhasi, CEO of MonsterCloud. It’s not just about gratitude; it’s about expressing ambition and good manners. Use this chance to remind them you’re keen on the job!

2. Too much follow-up

It is expected from the candidate to follow up post-interview, but don’t go overboard. Respect the communication preferences set by the interviewer; if they prefer email, stick to it.

But how soon is too soon?

For an initial phone interview, a check-in within a week may be apt, but wait 7-10 days after later interviews. Ask the hiring manager about the expected response time and when it’s okay to follow up.

You can always send a thank-you mail a day or two after the interview but be patient for a response as it may not always come.

3. No personalization in follow-ups

When sending a thank-you mail, make it personal, advises career coach Irina Pichura. Reflect on topics from the interview, add points you didn’t cover, and express your keen interest in the company.

Hiring managers are good at spotting generic follow-up mails. So, you can personalize the mail by bringing up something related to the interview.

For example – If you discussed a past project, share a link or sample in your follow-up. It nods to the discussion and showcases your skills.

Avoid these common mistakes on the day of the Interview:

Personal hygiene and Outfit:

Good personal hygiene is key. Brush your teeth, wear clean clothes, and use deodorant – if you sweat. A fresh appearance boosts confidence and leaves a positive impression.

Even if it’s not a dress code, iron your outfit for the interview. Wearing clean, unwrinkled clothes makes a great first impression.

Late Arrival:

Arriving late for an interview is a major red flag. It signals disrespect and can jeopardize your chances. Always plan for travel in advance to avoid unexpected delays. Punctuality matters.

Rude attitude:

Being nice to everyone in the office during your interview is crucial. You never know who influences the hiring decision.

A whopping 62% of recruiters won’t consider a rude candidate. Stay polite, professional, and express gratitude to everyone you meet.


Well done! Now that you have learnt the art of preparation and gracefully following up – it’s time to apply these strategies and secure that coveted dream job of yours. Best of luck on your journey.

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