Education and Career Information


11 Proven Habits of Achievers

A word that is commonly associated with Banking in India is the State Bank of India. Despite facing stiff competition from other private sector banks, it has managed to stay relevant. From being customer-centric to using technology to improve the banking experience, they have stayed ahead of the curve.

And among many, certain digital initiatives like digital-only banks and mobile apps for customers were implemented during the tenure of its dynamic chairperson Arundhati Bhattacharya.

After graduating in Arts from Jadavpur University, she joined the organization in 1977 and worked in various capacities. Slowly rising through the ranks, she became the first woman to lead an Indian based Fortune 500 company.

Former State Bank of India chief Mrs. Arundhati Bhattacharya

After serving for nearly 40 years, she quit SBI and went on to become the India CEO of Salesforce – an American software firm. The switch from public sector to private sector didn’t come as a surprise to those familiar.

Arundhati had all the skills to lead a private organization which in 2017 had only just started in India.

But what begs the question is HOW? How did an Arts graduate achieve such a monumental career? Not everyone – however talented or knowledgeable can manage to pull off such a thing.

When asked about this in an interview with McKinsey, Bhattacharya said –“People will have to unlearn, relearn, and be on a learning curve for a very long time; in fact, for as long as they work.”

Learn, unlearn and relearning here refers to many aspects of one’s professional career. Apart from being the best at what you do in your job, there are other boxes that need to be ticked for you to achieve the success you want.

Wondering what boxes to tick? Have a look.


Having a goal helps in every little task in life, let alone career. However simple it may be, always set realistic goals. If setting yearly goals seems complex, then start by having short-term goals like a 3-month or 6-month goal. And make sure you achieve those goals in the set time. Once you start seeing the benefits, you will be clear of what you want to achieve finally.

#2. Continuous Learning

The quote Knowing is the greatest enemy of learning – is so true in today’s hyper-competitive world. Having a know-it-all attitude is not only seen as rude but it acts as a barrier to success.

Just like stagnant water, a stagnant knowledge is not helpful. In an ever-changing world, having your skills upgraded will not only help approaching your work in a new way but also adds weight to your resume. Learning anything will always be productive.

#3. Seeking FEEDBACK

An employee getting feedback from his colleague in the workplace

A very under-rated aspect of growing in career is seeking an honest assessment of the task you do.

Having a friend, colleague or a mentor look at your work from his/her perspective can help you uncover things or ideas that you may not know. Feedback is especially important in careers involving creativity and arts.

#4. NETWORK with People

People helping strangers may be rare, but people help people they know. If not all, then most people do. Platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook help you to find people. Connect to them professionally. Ask questions, discuss things, clarify any issues. This not only helps gaining new perspective but also boosts your self-confidence. Be nice and help others back when needed.


However talented you may be but if you are only concerned about you and your work is not such a good attitude to have. It may work in some cases but not everywhere. Everyone can be a good team player if one simply works towards the best interests of the team.

You can start by being – a helpful co-worker, one who empathizes with, one who acknowledges contribution of others – and build on this to lay the foundation to be a leader. Remember – a good team player is always a good leader.

#6. Take on New Challenges

The hallmark of any leader is his/her ability to seek new challenges. And that means change. Volunteering for a new project or a new assignment forces you to stretch your existing skills and showcase your abilities. Without even realizing it you may be gaining a new skill in the process. This ability to actively pursue challenges is what propelled Bhattacharya to achieve remarkable success.


A young employee getting mentored from his senior manager

Mentorship – like feedback is the other side of the same coin. The difference is that a mentor is an experienced person within the industry who guides you. And for this, you need to either earn it or ask for it.

A simple way to get a Mentor is –

  1. Talk to the experienced person you admire or want to work with.
  2. Describe to them the guidance you seek.
  3. Walk on the path suggested by the mentor.
  4. Appreciate them for their contribution.

#8. Keep an eye on OPPORTUNITIES

Opportunities have a habit of coming unannounced. And if that opportunity aligns with your goals, why not grab it?

An experienced salesman who understands consumer behavior can also work in digital marketing – provided he upgrades certain skills that is required.

New opportunities mean change and may appear to be risky at times. But if you have the courage to withstand it, it is worth taking the risk.


Colleagues in a meeting communicating with each other

In teamwork, silence isn’t golden – it’s deadly. And just communicating for the sake of it is not effective either. What the workforce of today is lacking is its ability to clearly express what they want to.

Just using technical jargon or adding a complex set of words to your written or verbal communication will not help the cause.

Work on your English writing and speaking skills from right now. One best way to improve your English skills is by reading national newspapers or articles on the internet by top editors.

#10. Negotiate for Advancement

It is a given that – if you don’t ask for it then you probably won’t get it. Promotions, salary increments, or additional responsibilities are things that do not come in easily. You must find your way through it.

Convincing your boss of your contributions and the value you are adding to the organization is important. This convincing is what’s called Negotiating.

#11. Stay RESILENT

Everybody cheered when the great Lionel Messi won the coveted World Cup for Argentina in 2023. It was a long wait for him and for the fans in general. He always had this potential but success in a World Cup always eluded him. His luck changed and what did not change is his willingness to focus on things that mattered.

Failures are a part of everyday life, but you must focus on the controllables only. Take the negatives sportingly. Assess the situations that went wrong and find solutions. Never give up.


These 11 essential elements are something that does not work independently. To be good at convincing, you must be a good communicator. And when you are a good communicator, you will also be good at networking. To begin with, start working on any individual element first. Gradually you will start realizing how achieving mastery on one element requires mastery over another element. When you start doing this, then there is no one stopping you from achieving your dream career.

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